Freshwater Aquarium Set up Guide


 Congratulations on purchasing your new freshwater fish tank!

Adding an aquarium into your home is an awesome way to bring colorful and beautiful life to your surroundings. With a little extra care and patience will go a long way toward creating a healthy and problem-free aquarium for years to come!


  • Tank,Stand, Glass Top       
  • Heater,Thermometer
  • Air Pump
  • Filter
  • LED Light
  • Decorations
  • Chemicals ( Tap Water Conditioner, Stress Zyme, Live Bacteria)
  • PH & Ammonia Test Kit

STEP ONE: Set up the Aquarium and Stand

Place the aquarium out of direct sunlight

Allow 5" between the wall and the aquarium to accommodate the filter, and ensure the stand is level. Be certain this is a good location for the aquarium, as you will have to completely disassemble the system if you want to move it later.


STEP TWO: Decorate

Add decorations, but leave plenty of swimming room for fish.

  • Rinse all the plants with clear water.
  • Place all the background plants, arrange the driftwood, add accent and foreground plants, along with a few special stones.
  • Fill the aquarium and filter with water


    STEP THREE: Add Water

    Use a plate when adding water to prevent decoration displacement

  • Rinse the gravel in clean water until the water turns clear and add it to the aquarium. Place a clean plate on top of gravel and start to fill the aquarium with sink/hose water. 


    Step Four: Add Dechlorinator and Live Nitrifying Bacteria

    Tap water contains ammonia and chlorine which are not healthy for the tank. The Dechorinator removes the chlorine and the live bacteria removes the ammonia.

  • Read the directions of the back of the dechlorinator to check the correct amount of dosage for your size tank.. Once you figure out the amount, pour the dechorinator into the tank and gently mix it around so it can be evenly dispursed.
  • Live Nitrifying Bacteria is sold at our shop for $2 per 16oz bag which treats 20 gallons. quickly establish biological filtration and cycle your aquarium.
  • Pour the bacteria into the tank af†er the dechlorinator and disperse contents evenly by gently mixing. 
  • *DISCLAIMER* the bacteria will make the water quite murky but within and few hours up to a day, the contains will move to the bottom and the water will become clear again.


    Step Five: Install Filter, Heater and air pump

    Install equipment, but DO NOT plug anything in yet.

  • Assemble and hang the power filter onto the back of the aquarium.
  • Assemble and install the heater under water level, near input to filter.
  • Adjust the temperature of the heater before turning it on.
  • Submerge heater and for at LEAST 20 MINUTES before plugging into the heater
  • Install the airstone;hook up the airstone,airline tubing, and check valve to the air pump.
  • Attach the thermometer on the opposite side of where the heater will be placed.
  • Wait 24-48  hours for water temperature and PH/Ammonia Level  to stabilize before adding fish.


    Step Six: Add Fish!

    DO NOT purchase fish UNTIL letting your water cycle for AT LEAST 2-3 DAYS.

  • After properly acclimating fish for approximately 15-20 minutes , release them into the aquarium with the water that they came in.
  • Add on the light and glass top.
  • Wait four weeks and test for ammonia and nitrite. When the levels return to zero, you can begin adding the rest of your fish a few at a time, use a Live Nitrifying Bacteria to quickly establish biological filtration and cycle your aquarium.


  • Your first fish may hide a lot. Being caught in a net at the store, placed in a bag and ending up in a new place tends to be stressful for most fish. Make sure there are enough decorations in the aquarium to make them feel safe and you will be fine!
  • Put your aquarium light on a regular on/off cycle to give your fish some down-time to prevent unsightly algae growth. 
  • Non planted tanks: 10-12 hours daily,non-planted tanks 6-8 hours daily.
  • Your aquarium will need regular cleaning eventually, but not right away. It’s best to allow it to settle in and find its balance during the first few weeks. Avoid disturbing the gravel during water changes for the first month or so, as this may disrupt the beneficial bacteria that are trying to get established. The same applies to your filter – gently rinse hang-on filter cartridges if they need it, but otherwise try not to disturb filter media and do not change it for the first few weeks.
  • DO RESEARCH ON YOUR FISH.It can be hard to remember what types of fish you have, so keep a list of fish you’ve purchased and bring it along when you go shopping for new ones.
  •  Remember, schooling fish are happiest in groups so it’s best to buy them in groups of 5 or more. Other species may prefer to be in pairs, trios or by themselves. Always ask about this, as well as how big they get and what type of food they eat.  Wait several weeks to add scavengers, as a brand-new aquarium may not offer them enough scraps to forage on.